How to remove the fog inside the insulating glass


Ventilation is the most commonly used and the most direct and effective method. When the reason for the fog in the glass is due to high humidity in the hollow confined space, the equipment can be used to remove the fog by discharging the moisture in the insulating glass. This method is relatively simple, but according to the size of the glass and the degree of sealing, you need to adjust the ventilation time appropriately. Of course, this method is suitable for cases where the sealing of the glass edges has not been damaged. Otherwise, it may be necessary to repair the seal before ventilation treatment.



Heating method is the use of heat to saturate the water vapor in the insulating glass, after cooling, condensation into water droplets precipitation. It should be noted that, after heating must be cooled immediately, otherwise the high temperature of the water vapor will spread to the glass around, so that the fog problem is more serious. Heating method needs to be operated with care, because too high a temperature may bring damage to the glass.



Adsorption method refers to use of certain materials on the moisture adsorption capacity, the insulating glass in the moisture absorption, so as to achieve the purpose of de-fogging. Usually, we will use silica gel or activated charcoal and other hygroscopic agents to absorb the moisture in the glass. In the operation process, just put the moisture absorber into the insulating glass. The adsorption method is suitable for glass that cannot be de-fogged by ventilation or heating methods.



When ventilation, heating and adsorption methods are not effective in removing fog, we may need to try the agitation method. The agitation method is suitable for insulating glass that has a large difference in temperature and humidity, or the presence of special substances. The principle of the it is to reduce the humidity inside the insulating glass by agitating the equipment, thus slowly reducing the fogging.


5.Glass replacement

The last method, which is also the most extreme one, is to directly replace the foggy glass. When all of the above methods are unable to remove the fog, you may need to consider replacing the insulating glass with a new one. This method is costly, but is the ultimate means of completely solving the fog problem.


Summary: There are various ways to remove fog from insulating glass, and which method to use needs to be determined on a case-by-case basis. Of course, prevention is always more important than cure, so when making and using insulating glass, try to choose high-quality raw materials and use the right production methods to minimize the production of fog due to material and process problems.

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